Donations Given in Honor and Memory

Share the love! Make your donation in honor or memory of family members, friends, co-workers and acquaintances. To give now, click "Give an Honor Gift" or "Give a Memorial Gift". Be sure to enter the name of the individual(s) as the description. We include the thoughtful gifts below. If you would like us to send the recipient a letter, please also complete the Dedication Form to notify your gift recipient.


Dedications In Honor Of

Bonnilyn Brown

Carol Healy & Family

Chrissie & Peg McLeod

Chrissie McLeod

Davis Streett

Dr. Sharon M. Askins

Friends at Christmas

Harry Patterson

Jeanne McGowan

Matthew Ross

Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Welch

Olivia Qingli Peed

Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Phillips

Mr. & Mrs. Bert Belk

Paul Seward

Richard L. Whyte

Staff at Canvas Back

Tricia Streett

Walter Sparrow

Will Hudgens


Dedications In Memory Of

Arlen & Donnie Atkinson

Braxton Collins

Daniel Guyton

Debra Lee Jacoby

Emily Patterson

Gerald Burley

John McGowan

Lt. Colonel (Retired)

Martha Phipps Lyerly

Martin Cameron

Merita Benton Hammond

Mrs. Margie Lee

Mrs. Merita Benton Hammond

Nicki Ard

Tommy Askins

Burnie Williams

Annalea McCutcheon

Vardell Cook

William Bird & Kay Miller

Winslow Cameron

Dedication Form - Notify Your Gift Recipient

Once you complete an online donation, submit the form below and we will be happy to send a letter to the recipient or their family.